Swanwick Pre School
The village of Swanwick hosts one of the longest standing pre-school facilities in the area. Established back in 1969, the pre school has grown in size alongside the village.
This well equipped and well renowned pre school operates for both morning and afternoon sessions from Monday through to Friday.
It is run by a highly experienced and caring team of qualified, all of whom care passionately about the children under their care.
The pre school has undergone extensive renovation and development in recent years and now boasts increased space, improved facilities and most recently the facelift to the front of the building.
However the improvements go even deeper, the pre school staff are developing improved links with local primary schools in order to make the children’s transition to school that much smoother and the staff are constantly updating their skills.
The pre school is a registered charity and is operated by a team of volunteer parents who give up their time and energy to maintain Swanwick Pre School as one of the best starting points for the community’s children.
The pre school regularly receives excellent reports from Ofsted and other authorities and is a member of the Pre School Learning Alliance.
Sending your children to Swanwick Pre School will ensure that they will develop socially and learn through play in a safe, friendly and rewarding atmosphere.
Swanwick Pre-school
Pentrich Road
DE55 1BN
Tel: 01773 607885
Swanwick Hall School
Swanwick Hall School is an 11-18 community school with 1,320 students currently on roll, 260 of these in the Sixth Form. In addition to the village of Swanwick, the school also serves the communities of Heage, Somercotes, Riddings and Ironville, as well as some students from further afield. Based around a Grade 2 listed building, which was built as a private family home in the 1770s, the school was founded as a Grammar School in the 1920s and became comprehensive in the late 1970s.
The site has developed dramatically over that time with a range of buildings being added on a regular basis. There are exciting times ahead for Swanwick Hall School as they are in the process of planning a substantial rebuild and refurbishment under the Government’s Building Schools for the Future scheme, which should be completed by 2013.
The school has a strong, inclusive ethos and is focused on raising levels of attainment and preparing children, as individuals, for 21st century life. In a recent inspection , the school was highly praised for its community and partnership work and its distinctive ethos by Ofsted who graded as “a good school with some outstanding features”.
The broad curriculum and the high level of support provided ensures that students are well looked after and provided with a high quality of education. Standards of attainment are rising rapidly and in 2011 the school achieved its best GCSE results. The School are confident of continuing to improve on these over the coming years.
The school sees itself as a very important part of the local community and the buildings, facilities and 23 acres of fields are regularly used by a range of community groups.
Swanwick Hall School
Derby Road
DE55 1AE
Tel: 01773 602106
Swanwick Primary School
Swanwick Primary School is a school of some 360 pupils ranging in age from 4+ to 11, when most transfer to Swanwick Hall School.
Their principal aim is to provide the best opportunities for the children who attend, most of whom come from the village, but many of whom travel from the wider neighbourhood attracted by what they have to offer. They strive to provide a secure, happy environment which through the hard work of their Governors, parents and the Friends of the School is being improved constantly.
Swanwick Primary School is where purposeful and exciting learning can take place, and where every child is given encouragement to reach their full potential, academically, socially and creatively. Teaching and support staff work closely together to provide a carefully planned and structured curriculum relevant for each child.
The school enjoys an excellent reputation in the community for its musical, artistic and sporting achievements and the children make a positive contribution to the running of the school through their own School Council.
Swanwick Primary School
South Street
DE55 1BZ
Tel: 01773 602268
Swanwick School and Sports College
Swanwick School and Sports College is an area special school offering education to approximately 75 children aged 5-16 whose needs may be described as:
• cognition and learning needs
• specific learning difficulties
• moderate learning difficulties
• severe learning difficulties.
Children with these needs may also have:
• behavioural, emotional and social development needs
• communication and interaction needs
• autistic spectrum disorder
• sensory and/or physical needs
• visual impairment
• hearing impairment
• physical disability
• other needs.
Swanwick School and Sports College aims to create an environment where effective learning can take place. Staff promote respect and equal opportunities for all pupils. Classes are small (usually no more than 10 pupils), with a teacher and a teaching assistant. The curriculum is exciting and motivating, fulfilling National
Curriculum requirements within a context of personalised learning. English, Mathematics and PE are taught in ability groups to maximise pupil progress. There are many opportunities at Key Stage 4 for pupils to gain external accreditation including GCSEs. Sport is a key focus for the school:
• a broad range of timetabled opportunities include football. cricket, boccia, athletics, climbing, canoeing, walking, biking
• access to swimming for all pupils at Alfreton Leisure Centre
• team events including local, county and national competitions and galas
• a range of Key Stage 4 accreditation opportunities including GCSE PE and Sports Leaders’ Award.
Expressive Arts is embedded in school life:
• timetabled art, drama, dance and music
• opportunities to take part in school productions
• visiting theatre groups and school visits to the theatre, cinemas, etc.
Vocational education, helping children to get ready for life after school, is very important to the school:
• a well-thought-out programme of personal, social and careers education which includes enterprise activities
• at Key Stage 4, a range of accredited vocational opportunities including Construction, Motor Vehicle Maintenance, Health& Beauty and Engineering
• opportunities for work experience
• individual advice and support from a Connexions Personal Advisor, including ensuring a smooth transition to college/training/employment post-16.
The school’s Extended Day includes a Breakfast Club and afterschool clubs. There are integration opportunities with local schools and Alfreton Vocational Academy. The school enjoys effective partnerships with parents and carers, its governing body and parent-teacher association, Parish Council, support agencies, local businesses etc.
The school’s strengths have been recognised in a number of awards:
• Specialist Status-Sports
• Health Promoting Schools
• Sportsmark
• Activemark
• Basic Skills Award
• Investors in People
The school was inspected by Ofsted in December 2008 and was judged to be a ‘good school’ with a very capable staff team at all levels. Lessons are ‘planned and prepared well’ and pastoral care is a ‘significant strength’.
Swanwick School and Sports College
Hayes Lane
DE55 1AR
Tel: 01773 602198